Projects & Testimonials

The Four Feathers

“As the military advisor on the Four Feathers, I asked John Whitby who I knew from his background, was ex-British Army, to help with the training of over 300 Moroccan SAs with Marching, Rifle Drills, and preparing them in readiness to form the Battle Square for the up and coming battle.

John did a great job with the training of the Moroccans, who were playing British soldiers, and throwing himself into the job that was asked of him. He was incredibly reliable and very knowledgeable.

The result of the battle looked amazing on camera.”

- Henry Camilleri, Military Advisor

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“I have had the privilege of working with John on numerous projects, dating back to Band of Brothers, and my latest project with him was Overlord, in which he assisted me with the training of the SAs who were playing the German soldiers.

He has always shown extreme professionalism and knowledge of the subject, and his work with featured actors and background has been priceless.

I personally would choose John to work on any project with me in the future.”

- Freddie Joe Farnsworth, Military Advisor, Devil Dog Ltd

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Masters of the air

“UK Military Veteran John Whitby has worked on several major Warriors Global productions as a supporting actor, which included The Band of Brothers, Sam's Circus, Alexander, and he was part of the military advisory team on Masters of the Air, where he was involved in 4 of the military bootcamps. I have always found him to be knowledgeable, fit, and highly motivated in our efforts to train actors worldwide to credibly depict genuine soldiers of different nationalities and capabilities.  He is also very knowledgeable in military history and has been quite valuable in both training and staging complex scenes involving military actions. He brings a can-do reliability and excellent problem-solving skills to every production.”

- Capt. Dale Dye USMC (Ret)

CEO and Senior Advisor

Warrior Global 

“I met John Whitby in 2021 while in training for ‘Masters of the Air’. John was one of our military advisors in bootcamp and through out production. Each morning he led a march of our three squadrons from our barracks to our lessons. John was very approachable and extremely helpful with advice, not only on technical details (everything from posture, to the correct names and titles of various aspects of the USAAF) but also on the camaraderie and forming the extremely strong bond we’d have with our cast mates. During PT, he would push us and show us how to approach the task at hand with the respect due. On our last day of bootcamp we were trained on 50 cal machine guns, which was for many of us, the first time we had been around guns. I was put into John’s group, and having never fired a weapon before, he was extremely patient, and encouraging. When I encountered a stoppage, he immediately diagnosed the issue, and helped me identify the problem for myself, so in future i’d be able to effectively assess the situation on my own, in the most efficient way, which proved massively beneficial throughout production. After bootcamp, John made sure he was easy to contact at all times, and was on set so if I had any further questions or inquiries I knew exactly who to turn to. He has a clear and deep understanding of not only the British armed forces (his own experience), but also of many other forces, their history, and their tradition. I saw him use his knowledge in American and German.

It was great working with John, and the environment he brought to set, and I look forward to working with him again on other military based productions.”

-Spike White

2nd Lt Charles A. Via

Masters of the Air

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